Health Care

Iqraa Trust donated R120 000 to Steps Charity to support their operating expenses
Steps Charity is a non-profit organisation based in Cape Town. The organisaton is the only NPO supporting clubfoot treatment in South Africa. Steps has revolutionised the treatment of clubfoot in South Africa, resulting in thousands of more children having been treated successfully.

Iqraa Trust donated R150 000 to Nelspruit Hospice towards their operating expenses
Nelspruit Hospice is a non-profit organisation based in Nelspruit, Mpumalanga. The hospice admits patients suffering from life-threatening diseases, such as cancer, organ failure, neurological diseases and other, as per referral from a treating doctor or home-based palliative care to provide quality, compassionate, palliative and end-of-life and bereavement care to their patients and families.

Iqraa Trust donated R100 000 to Alzheimer’s South Africa towards their operating expenses
Alzheimer’s South Africa is a non-profit organisation based in Pinetown, Kwa-Zulu Natal. The organisation is the South African representative of Alzheimer’s Disease International and is dedicated to improving the quality of life of people living with Dementia and those affected by it.

Iqraa Trust has, over the years, donated a total of R300 000 to the PlettAid Foundation
The PlettAid Foundation, based in Plettenberg Bay provides holistic palliative care to patients and their families in Bitou, Western Cape. Palliative care is a health care approach that aims to improve the quality of life of patients, who together with their families, are facing a life-limiting illness.
The donations were a contribution towards repairs and maintenance, operating expenses and the Charity Shop of the organisation.

Iqraa Trust Donates R100 000 to Knysna Sedgefield Hospice towards their operating expenses and computer equipment
Knysna Sedgefield Hospice is a non-profit organisation based in the western Cape that serves the community by providing palliative, home-based care for persons with progressive, incurable and chronic debilitating illnesses.

Iqraa Trust Donated R100 000 to Dementia SA towards their operating expenses
Dementia SA is non-profit organisation based in Cape Town which assists families, communities and health professionals who have limited access to private health care, to live with dementia or care for those with dementia.

Iqraa Trust Donated R235 000 to the Msunduzi Hospice Association towards the purchase of Computers and other Electronic Equipment for the Organization
The Msunduzi Hospice Association based in Pietermaritzburg, KwaZulu Natal offers free hospice and palliative care services to the disadvantaged old aged persons who have life limiting diseases and cannot care for themselves.
Iqraa Trust Donates R80 000 towards the Purchase of Equipment required by the St Joseph’s Home for Chronically Invalid Children (SJH)
SJH is located in Montana, Western Cape.
The organization is a pioneer in providing holistic, pediatric intermediate health care for children less than 18 years of age.

Iqraa Trust Donates R250 000 to Hillcrest Aids Centre Trust towards the operating expenses of the HACT Respite Unit Centre
Hillcrest Aids Centre Trust is located at 260 Old Main Road, Hillcrest. The majority of HACT’s patients hail from the rural and disadvantaged communities of the Valley of 1000 Hills region.HACT’s Respite Unit is a 24-bed facility providing free care and treatment to disadvantaged adults and children with advanced stages of AIDS.

Iqraa Trust has, over the years, donated R395 000 to Woodside Special Care Centre towards the purchase of assets,equipment and operating expenses
Woodside Special Care Centre is located in Rondebosch, Western Cape. They provide treatment and care to physically disabled residents between the ages of 7 to 50 years old.

Iqraa Trust Donates R 250 000 to CAPRISA towards the research, trial and development of CAP256 bNAB
The main goal of Centre for the Aids Programme of Research in South Africa (CAPRISA) is to undertake globally relevant and locally responsive research that contributes to HIV pathogenesis, prevention and epidemiology as well as the links between tuberculosis and AIDS care.

Iqraa Trust Donates R250 000 towards the construction of the Philakade Care Home
The Philakade Care Home is a part of the Philakade Clinic based in a rural area in Embo Reserve, KwaZulu Natal. It is being constructed to care for children and adults who are disabled and bed bound, who have been abandoned or neglected.

Iqraa Trust has, over the years, donated R420 000 to Breede River Hospice towards the renovations of their Bramcare Facility and operating expenses of the organization
Breede River Hospice located in Robertson, Cape Town provides healthcare services to the underprivileged. The Hospice also provides palliative care and bereavement training to build the capacity of healthcare professionals and careers.

Iqraa Trust has, over the years donated R200 000 to the PlettAid Foundation to support their Charity Shop
The PlettAid Foundation, based in Plettenberg Bay provides holistic palliative care to patients and their families in Bitou, Western Cape. Palliative care is a health care approach that aims to improve the quality of life of patients, who together with their families, are facing a life-limiting illness.

Iqraa Trust Donates R 150 000 to the Camdeboo Hospice towards the purchase of a Vehicle for the organization
Cambedoo Hospice provides comprehensive home-based palliative care in semi-rural towns of Eastern Cape. The organization makes access to appropriate health care achievable by visiting individuals affected with life-limiting illnesses in their homes. The organizations services are available to HIV/AIDS, Cancer, TB and Motor Neuron Disease patients.

Iqraa Trust Donates R 150 000 to the Hospice Association of Witwatersrand towards the purchase of Assets and Equipment required by the organization
Hospice Association of Witwatersrand is located in Gauteng and provides a holistic approach to caring for patients diagnosed with life-limiting illness in all aspects that would address the patient’s needs associated to the disease.

Iqraa Trust has, over the years, donated R580 000 to the Issey Geshen Lamont Home for the Aged towards the purchase of Medical Equipment and operating expenses of the organization
Issey Geshen Lamont Home for the Aged located in Durban aims at providing 24/7 secure accommodation, health and nursing care for indigent pensioners. The organization provides rehabilitation and paramedical services for all its residents.

Iqraa Trust Donates R235 000 to The Western Cape Cerebral Palsy towards the operating expenses of the organazation
The Western Cape Cerebral Palsy is located in Klipfontein Road, Rondebosch Cape Town. The WCCPA is a non-profit organisation providing social development services to people with Cerebral Palsy (CP) and their families in the Western Cape, and has been doing so for 62 years.

Durban and Coastal Mental Health – Durban
Durban and Coastal Mental Health actively works with the community to achieve the highest possible level of mental Health for people having difficulty coping with everyday life, and those with psychiatric illness and intellectual disabilities.

Iqraa Trust Donates R170 000 For A New Ultra Sound Machine To Groote Schuur Hospital
The Hospital has also operated an Emergency/Trauma Unit since the 1970s. Currently patients in this Unit have to wait for long periods for ultrasound examinations. This will be alleviated significantly largely as a result of the Hospital acquiring a new Ultra Sound Machine.

Iqraa Trust Donates R100 000 towards the construction of the Mabheleni Clinic
Iqraa/IDM conducted the official opening of the MaBheleni Clinic in Ninivah Southern Kwa Zulu Natal. In a partnership with IDM, both organizations added tremendous value to the community of Umzumbe. Financial assistance of R100 000 was provided by Iqraa Trust SA which contributed towards the construction of the MaBheleni clinic.

Iqraa Trusts Donates R200 000 towards purchasing the centre for the Hospice Matlosana Daycare Centre in Alabama
This Centre will allow Hospice Matlosana to provide service by means of a professional nurse and 10 caregivers. At daycare, the patients will be able to see the nurse individually, receive a nutritious meal and listen to talks on health and welfare. The centre is a haven of care for those in need and the children of patients.

Iqraa Trust Donates R 160 000 to The Walter Sisulu Paediatric Cardiac Foundation
The grant was utilized to fund the costs of corrective heart surgery. The Walter Sisulu Paediatric Cardiac Foundation’s vision is to provide accessible and affordable medical and surgical intervention to all children with heart disease on the African continent.

Iqraa Trust Donates R175 000 To St Helena Sandveld Hospice (Vredenburg-Western Cape)
The Hospice promotes quality of life, dignity in death and provides support in bereavement for all who are affected by life threatening illnesses through direct patient care, early intervention and the training, supervision and mentorship in palliative care of strategic partner organizations.

Iqraa Trust Donates R160 000 To The TOPSY Foundation
The Topsy Foundation NPC, is a fully-registered and internationally respected South African Non Profit Organization and Public Benefit Organization which provides relief services to some of South Africa’s most under resourced rural communities.

Iqraa Trust Donates R376 000 To The Refocus and Upliftment Foundation (RAUF) – Durban
Refocus And Upliftment Foundation (RAUF) was established to combat the scourge of substance abuse and other social ills by empowering the community through counselling, rehabilitation, skills development, family support and the implementation of community awareness strategies.

Iqraa Trust Donates R150 000 To The Highway Hospice Association – Durban
The Hospice has an In-Patient Unit which has 8 beds and provides the highest standard of care for people suffering from an advanced incurable disease. The Unit also provides professional attention and support to the patients, their families and friends in a friendly environment including accommodation for family members when required.

Iqraa Trust Donates R265 000 To The Chatsworth Regional Hospice Association
Iqraa Trust has provided R 265 000 in funding to the Chatsworth Regional Hospice Association which will enable it to continue providing services to the Bottlebrush Informal Settlement in Chatsworth. Chatsworth Hospice is the only palliative care organization that serves the large Southern Durban Region. All services offered are free of charge.

Iqraa Trust Donates R100 000 towards the establishment of a training centre United Cerebral Palsy Association
Iqraa Trust Donated R 100 000 towards the establishment of a Training centre for caregivers for The United Cerebral Palsy Association. The United Cerebral Palsy Association is situated in Johannesburg and was established in 1954. The Association provides a vital service to children suffering from cerebral palsy

Iqraa Trust Donates R200 000 To The Hospice Association of Witwatersrand – Soweto Hospice
Iqraa Trust has provided funding of R 200 000 in September 2009 to The Hospice association of Witwatersrand for the Pediatric Care unit of the Soweto Hospice, near Johannesburg. This unit provides care for the HIV/AIDS affected children and their families and guardians.
Iqraaa Trust Donates R250 0000 To The ARV Clinic Opening
Working with the S.A Medical foundation, Iqraa Trust has provided R250 000 in funding for the provision of a facility to house an Anti-retroviral Treatment clinic at the retreat community hospital in Cape Town.
Iqraa Trust Donates R600 000 To The Renal Dialysis Centre
Iqraa Trust has provided R600 000 as lead funding for the establishment of the Community Renal Dialysis Centre, which is a first for Kwa-Zulu Natal. The clinic is funded by a partnership between the IMA, Iqraa Trust and Shifa Hospital. The IMA/Iqraa Trust Community Renal Dialysis Centre provides much needed relief for renal dialysis patients who cannot afford private treatment.

Iqraa Trust Donates R90 000 Towards The Construction Of New Premises For Verulam Regional Hospice
Established in 1997 the hospice focuses on the provision of care for cancer and aid patients. The hospice outgrew it old premises and embarked on a project to construct new premises. Iqraa Trust funded the construction of the reception area and one consulting room at the new premises, which opened its doors to the public in September 2004.